Pass the torch, biden

A brand uniting the democratic party around a new candidate for president. After the Biden/Trump debate PTT was manifested out a need to chart a new path for our next president. We delivered on meeting the moment with Pass the Torch, and ultimately, helping create a path for the Harris presidency.


Josh Decker

KT Estep

Bob Krcmarevic


Web Development

Brand Identity

Social Media


Galvanizing voters to participate by giving them a way to act.


After a pivotal Biden vs. Trump debate, a small but passionate group came together to push for Biden to step down and pass the torch to Kamala Harris. Our task was to create a grassroots brand that could channel this energy into action, while also building a unified identity people could rally behind. The brand had to be dynamic enough to live across social media, organizing tools, and voter registration tech, while energizing a progressive movement.

We registered over 10,000 new voters!


Through a bold and accessible brand identity, Pass The Torch, Joe became a rallying cry for change. The brand was not only visible across platforms, but it also empowered grassroots activists through a variety of tools, from text messaging voter registration to organizing a rally in front of the White House. The movement garnered significant media attention and led to tens of thousands of voter actions, including petition signings, calls to representatives, and voter registrations. In the end, this effort helped spark a historic moment, with Biden stepping down and Kamala Harris taking the torch in a transformative shift in the presidential race.

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